Our Services

We offer at The Six Pillars Foundation comprehensive and diverse services.

In the field of occupational safety, health, and security, we provide our services through specialized consultants in a professional and meticulous manner to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality.

Prepare preventive plans

We develop the best preventive plans for fire protection in public and private facilities.

Technical Reporting

We check the conformity or readiness of fire protection systems to regulations and instructions.

Risk Analysis and Assessment

Detailed analysis and real-time risk assessment.

Preventive awareness

Different sessions in which we provide educational scientific lectures and general awareness of safety and risk management.

Technical advice

Multiple technical consulting services, including answering questions from everyone in the organization.

Contractor reports

Prepare technical reports on installation and maintenance contractors and their adherence to the requirements of workplace safety standards.


Training in the realm of safety and security is more than advice.